black and brown leather padded tub sofa


Asociación Científica para Heridas y Estomas del Sureste AC


Capacitación continúa, actualizada y especializada en atención integral al paciente con heridas crónicas y podología

Durante el año la asociación ofrece distintos talleres prácticos para la atención integral de pacientes

La Fundación por un México sin Heridas (FUMHER), ofrece la oportunidad de un tratamiento justo y de alta calidad a los pacientes de escasos recursos



En ACHES nos dedicamos a la capacitación de profesionales de la salud en el manejo de heridas, crónicas y podología, mejorando considerablemente la calidad de vida de los pacientes

blue and brown desk globe
blue and brown desk globe






Ofrecemos formación continua para mejorar la atención de heridas, estomas y pie diabético

A medical professional wearing blue gloves is performing a procedure on a wounded hand. The hand appears to have a significant injury, and the professional is using tools to attend to it. The patient is seated, and surgical drapes cover parts of the hand and surrounding area.
A medical professional wearing blue gloves is performing a procedure on a wounded hand. The hand appears to have a significant injury, and the professional is using tools to attend to it. The patient is seated, and surgical drapes cover parts of the hand and surrounding area.
Diplomados y Cursos

Capacitación especializada en heridas crónicas para profesionales de la salud

Talleres Prácticos

Desarrolla habilidades prácticas para el manejo integral de pacientes con heridas crónicas

Formación Actualizada

Enfocamos nuestra enseñanza en las mejores prácticas clínicas y un enfoque humanitario


Descubre lo que dicen nuestros profesionales sobre ACHES y su formación

La capacitación en ACHES ha transformado mi enfoque en el cuidado de heridas.

María López
A foot wearing a white sock is placed on an open magazine resting on a round, wicker-style table. The magazine displays several colorful images and text. The person is wearing green pants, and one small skin-tone bandage can be seen on the ankle.
A foot wearing a white sock is placed on an open magazine resting on a round, wicker-style table. The magazine displays several colorful images and text. The person is wearing green pants, and one small skin-tone bandage can be seen on the ankle.


Los cursos de ACHES son esenciales para mejorar la atención a pacientes con estomas y heridas crónicas. Recomiendo su formación a todos los profesionales de la salud.

A young girl is seated on a medical examination table, receiving a small bandage on her arm from a healthcare provider. She is wearing a white shirt and has a pink bow in her hair. The provider is wearing bracelets and a blue shirt. The setting is a clinical room with wooden doors.
A young girl is seated on a medical examination table, receiving a small bandage on her arm from a healthcare provider. She is wearing a white shirt and has a pink bow in her hair. The provider is wearing bracelets and a blue shirt. The setting is a clinical room with wooden doors.
Juan Pérez

